Ohh, to be back there again – fun and hostelities


Explore hostel life through the decades

Freshers' function, 1965.
Masti days.
Many non-playing captains
Our eleven victorious in the tournament
Dedicated to the unknown graduate.
Global recognition: featured in German magazine ‘fur dich’ in the 70s.
A rare sight: ties and shoes on campus...
How IIT engineers assess a car’s payload...
Two to solve the crossword, 10 to offer moral support....
The sprawling H8 lawns... One cigarette, many smokers...
Dabbing glycerine tears with borrowed handkerchiefs
Hostel 8 - introducing our mascot “Bhupi”.
Unfazed by the future, the unknown graduate marches forward
A historic moment: 17 girl students captured together
A high valued asset, flanked by bouncers.
2 to eat, 3 to share the experience...
Creative solutions to assignment constraints - - dark deeds require faces to be hidden….
The first batch of double-digit girl graduates, as lh evolves into H10 ...
The evening before the Sophia college social
Birthday bumps: a ritual religiously followed...
Quiz question – how many hostelites can you fit on a single bed without breaking it
Graduation day - four happy to get out, one content with the degree, one returning for MTech
Circa 1990: the floodgates slowly opening
Kiran, Nimpha, Neera, Shubha, Bindu…
In the 70s & 80s, H10 inmates were never tagged. Things must have changed in the 90s.
Ghost protocol
My daddy’s room: not my mama in the background.
Fifteen of them in t-shirts
And this is how we always looked,
Hostel inmates on one of their better days
Too much happiness in one photo
Placement day
Take a bow, guys
Those Hawaii chappals bring some authenticity to this picture…..
One semester done… hang in there, guys
As usual, the back benchers are double the front benchers
On H7 terrace: quiz question, which one is Sudhir Nikam?
On H7 terrace: clowning despite casualty.
Doing general rowdygiri in some room…
This is how CS folks goof off – in a straight line
Where did those gowns of the 70s go?
Hostel Entrance
Hostel 7
Hostel 10
Hostel 8 Corridor
Hostel From Outside
Transitioning from aspiring entrepreneur to honourable minister for finance, Nepal.
Bursting with vim and business dreams, became president, and executive director at Godrej consumer products
From dreaming of IAS to vice chairman at Citi Corp USA.

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